Alexander Briones

Takamine TF87-PT

Takamine pioneered the production of acoustic guitars with electronic pickup, preamp and EQ systems – they essentially started the acoustic-electric guitar category, which many of their competitors have also adopted into their lineup. Because of this, Takamine is mostly known for modern acoustic designs, but don’t count them out when it comes to vintage style guitars because they do have a collection of parlor style acoustic-electric guitars, of which the TF87-PT is included.

Takamine TF87-PT  

Parlor guitar takamine-tf87pt

Martin 0-28VS

The Martin 0-28 Vintage Series is the smallest full size body guitar that the company offers. Interestingly, the “0” shape was previously the biggest size guitar that were built during the lifetime of C.F. Martin Sr.

Martin 0-28VS  

Parlor Guitar martin-028vs

Martin 000-15M

The story goes that the first Martin 000-15M was developed in the ’30s during the great depression, when guitar builders were forced to build stripped down-models that people can actually afford. Impressively, this small bodied guitar is still part of Martin’s production line, many decades after. As the label implies, this guitar features a 000 (triple “O”) body, which is smaller than their standard dreadnought and orchestra shapes but bigger than traditional parlor guitar shapes.

Martin 000-15M  

Martin 000-15M Parlor Guitar

Dean AXS Acoustic Guitar

Dean Guitars is easily identified by their exotic shape and metal-friendly design, but if you look at their product line up, you’ll find that they do have a soft spot for traditional style acoustics. The Dean AXS Parlor is one such instrument, featuring traditional parlor guitar build with vintage style looks, while sporting the company’s distinct headstock shape

Dean AXS Acoustic Guitar  

Dean axs parlor guitar